Tuesday, June 26, 2007

So, You’re a Model in Los Angeles…….?

I’m a resident of Virginia, we’re talkin’ 3,000 miles to Graceland, here, dude. Are you going to fly out here and sweep me off my feet with your ‘los angeles model’ good looks?

You type in broken english, you have no picture posted and claim to not know why Yeehaa Personals hasn’t posted your picture, but if I IM you, you’ll be sure and send me one. What part of ‘I’m a Model in Los Angeles’ am I not getting? A model without a picture posted? Hmmmm……

Ohhhhhhh, I get it now, you mean you’re in the p0rn business! Oh, my bad…it took me a minute……..

Oh, yeah, almost forgot. You called me ’Sweetie’ right out of the chute. Who, outside of a 5 yo child would respond to “Sweetie???”


I guess now I understand you reaching out across the country.

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