I have been off of my blog for months. I just haven’t been feeling like writing or posting. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I feel like writing a lot of the time, but writing about how pathetic my (lack thereof) love life is – not so much.
I noshed and drank wine with a dear friend last night and vented fiercely about men & work, in that order. She was instrumental in getting me back on here. Claims she’s told other women about my blog and they like it and have been waiting for more.
My deepest apologies, I figured a handful of people read this and I know them all and tell them what’s happening in my life as it is, and just didn’t think this had any readership since I don’t have any links to ads or other blogs/sites. So, to the additional 3 souls who I may or may not know, thanks for reading and glad you enjoy.
If it’s too good to be true, it tru dat.
I’ve dated on and off since my last post, but will have to root around in my file cabinet of horrors to bring up memorable dates of nights past.
I’ll just start with my latest freight train.
Sometimes we encounter people from which there is no saving ourselves.
There’s nothing particularly funny about this latest encounter, moreover, just more of the same old shit. Am I truly optomistic or just a door mat? Not sure, but know I've moved beyond it enough to eject a little humor here and there.
JG came on to, and at me, like a freight train barreling through the countryside in the dark of night.
I usually avoid, and am cautious with freight train/gangbuster types; a lot of sexual, emotional, uncontrollable weight moving very, very fast is not a good combination when impacted upon the head & heart.
I noshed and drank wine with a dear friend last night and vented fiercely about men & work, in that order. She was instrumental in getting me back on here. Claims she’s told other women about my blog and they like it and have been waiting for more.
My deepest apologies, I figured a handful of people read this and I know them all and tell them what’s happening in my life as it is, and just didn’t think this had any readership since I don’t have any links to ads or other blogs/sites. So, to the additional 3 souls who I may or may not know, thanks for reading and glad you enjoy.
If it’s too good to be true, it tru dat.
I’ve dated on and off since my last post, but will have to root around in my file cabinet of horrors to bring up memorable dates of nights past.
I’ll just start with my latest freight train.
Sometimes we encounter people from which there is no saving ourselves.
There’s nothing particularly funny about this latest encounter, moreover, just more of the same old shit. Am I truly optomistic or just a door mat? Not sure, but know I've moved beyond it enough to eject a little humor here and there.
JG came on to, and at me, like a freight train barreling through the countryside in the dark of night.
I usually avoid, and am cautious with freight train/gangbuster types; a lot of sexual, emotional, uncontrollable weight moving very, very fast is not a good combination when impacted upon the head & heart.
I know these words sound like dating 101, but like the title says.....
Lesson #1 – when he doesn’t call you by your birthright name – ever – but instead calls you any variety of pet names, ie, in this particular case, I bore the monikers of ‘Baby,’ ‘Honey,’ and (pardon me if you’ve just had lunch) ‘Pumpkin.' I don’t mean to say that your man/SO shouldn’t call you Baby or Sweetheart sometimes or even often, but not exclusive of your given name. Very bad sign. For you see, if he’s playing several women at the same time, he can call all of us by these endearments and never have to worry about calling any of us by another’s name. I heard the alarm bell sound first time he called me 'Baby' – I hadn’t even met him yet - but, as appears to be my default setting, I ignored it quite effectively. Going to have to check my hardware and get a patch for that. Maybe upgrade to Stepford X-Wives 3.2., with the bonus Lessons Learned AND APPLIED plugin.
Lesson #2 – No matter the attraction, no matter what the age, don’t give up the goods the first night! Make him work for it. Hold out till at least the 2nd date!!
Lesson #1 – when he doesn’t call you by your birthright name – ever – but instead calls you any variety of pet names, ie, in this particular case, I bore the monikers of ‘Baby,’ ‘Honey,’ and (pardon me if you’ve just had lunch) ‘Pumpkin.' I don’t mean to say that your man/SO shouldn’t call you Baby or Sweetheart sometimes or even often, but not exclusive of your given name. Very bad sign. For you see, if he’s playing several women at the same time, he can call all of us by these endearments and never have to worry about calling any of us by another’s name. I heard the alarm bell sound first time he called me 'Baby' – I hadn’t even met him yet - but, as appears to be my default setting, I ignored it quite effectively. Going to have to check my hardware and get a patch for that. Maybe upgrade to Stepford X-Wives 3.2., with the bonus Lessons Learned AND APPLIED plugin.
Lesson #2 – No matter the attraction, no matter what the age, don’t give up the goods the first night! Make him work for it. Hold out till at least the 2nd date!!
Now I am a practical gal, for the most part, and have never really bought into that wives tale of holding out (not at this point and time in my life, younger - absofuckinglutely; at the same time, I don't mean to insinuate that I'll sleep with anyone, not at all, just not play all the games we did when we were young.); after all, I can no longer lay claim to my “born again virgin” club card, I've lost that privilege (???? maybe more of a burden actually). So just what is it that I’m holding on to, or out for??
I mean, I think we’re as capable of thinking with what’s between our legs as they are. The difference is, unfortunately, unlike them, we don’t know how to take the emotion out of it afterwards, or most of us don’t. But, I will say that self control and self respect will carry you a whole lot further and leave you feeling much stronger in the aftermath of a wreck, then letting the inhibitions fly to the wind!!
That you could’ve put the proverbial “fork in me” was an understatement, cuz I was done when I met JG. My mistake was believing that he, too, was done. He sure talked the talk and walked the walk. Damn well looked like a duck too. A salt & peppered haired, green-eyed, lantern-jawed, cleft-chin, very well endowed duck.
Fucking Bastard Duck! Why couldn’t you have had a 3-inch dick!!!???
Yes, I know I’m being shallow, so what? It's my blog! I could’ve bought that thing a leash & collar!
Lesson #3 – When he tells you something that feels/smells like a lie, trust your gut, it’s probably spot on. If you can back check the lie, do it. Nothing’s worse than doubting someone and not having any way to vet that doubt (well, actually there are worse things; but fuck it, it's my blog). So, when he tells you he’s stuck behind some horrific wreck “outside Baltimore,” Go get on the internet and look it up on a traffic dopler map and verify it. Same thing goes for suspicious actions or nonsensical situations. If he’s ‘lived’ here since January, but is still living out of hotel rooms, question why he hasn’t rented a place yet? "I've been too busy" ain't good enough.
If I thought it would help the next gal, I’d shout his name from the rooftop, I’d post it here in a size 9 inch.....er, 98 point font, but I doubt it's even his real name........ not to mention, the notoriety would just stroke his ego if he ever caught wind of this blog.....oh (cough) vomit!
Lord knows you can’t help who you’re attracted to; but if you’re not careful ‘chemistry’ can result in third degree burns! I thought I knew better, I do know better. This was a slip up. What’s that song lyric “You’re my heroin…”? I do identify.
God, may I please be spared any more bad boys or performance boys, or better-looking-than-I-am boys!!
If I've repeated analogies, or you think "she's said that before." I probably have x 10! Mea Culpa! It goes with the terror-tory!
Next up the almost gay guy.
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