Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Kid Tested, Hater Approved

I’ve read some interesting profiles on-line and the one thing that strikes me is that there are a lot of good people out here in the same boat, and I simply can not believe how hard it is to date in this town. I’ve been honest and forthright hoping to attract the same and have made no ridiculous demands. My desire to not be around very young children is neither extreme nor rare given my life experiences. I don’t hate kids, I have kids and will probably be a Grandmother (can I say Noooooo!?) sooner rather than later. My goal is to find a one-on-one relationship, not at the exclusion of all others (family-all members, friends, pets, hobbies, etc.) but am interested in finding somebody that seeks the same and can give 100% (or as close as possible, given nobody can give 100% to any one thing these days). I’m busy, you’re busy, but at the end of the day our mutual intent is focused on each other (most of the time). I think it’s unfair to think somebody with 2 children under the age of 5 -three days a week is going to be in that mindset. I also think it’s unfair to expect someone that’s spent her 30’s exclusively focused on raising her kids to want to do it all over again just to be with you.

Oh, and enough of the “I have a 2 beautiful daughters/sons that are the light of my life and are my first priority.” Well, no shit Sherlock. They certainly better be or you’re not worthy of their love -or MINE. The fact that you’re involved in their life shouldn’t require a warning/caution label to potential girlfriends. WE.GET.IT.

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