Friday, August 8, 2008

I've jumped the fence...I'm out!

Christ, it's cold and deep at this end of the pool!

Well, I've signed up for the Adsense. I've also linked a few of my fav blogs, some of whom I've been reading long before I ever started my blog and one as recently as last week; and I want them to know they've been an inspiration to me in my journey so far. I have to throw out a Congrats to Waiter Rant, the Grand-Daddy of the bunch! (the site dude, the site, not you) He just got his book published and is just tearing up the TV and media sites with interviews and book signings! I've been a fan for over 2 years - best to you on your success! Please, my friends, click and see what has intrigued me all this time. His site might also give you a few tips for your next trip to your local fav restaurant. Cake Wreck, I'm new to your site, but love, love, love it! Not sure which one was more horrifying - doll giving birth cake or the full size bridezilla cake, but love your commentary! Barmaid, you have a great way with the written word and kudos for really baring your soul. Barista, Waitress, Well Done, I really enjoy your written word as much as the emotion, humor and drama that you've inscribed for us all to enjoy.

I know there might be some curiousity with my choice of linked blogs, given the subject matter I blog about; truth is, Waiter Rant was my first (blush). From him I started clicking on links he supported and they mostly had to do with the food/restaurant industry, which I found fascinating. But the true link is the human connection. In as much as all of us write around a specific subject matter, we touch each other by our written word - whether the touch encompasses the heart, mind, funny bone, or palatte, no matter. We are connected. I will include additional links to other blogs, these intial selections are my roots, my favs.

I'm bound and determined to keep this up, even if I have to write about my daughter's dating life (spare me, oh dear lord! that is drama with a seperate zip code!). Let's just say she rolls her eyes at mine! May I not lapse into another 5 month hiatus!


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