Monday, October 22, 2007

Speed Dating = Cautionary Rioting = Slow Racing (or, just what we need, oxymoronic dating terms)

Had a second round at this sport on Saturday night. It’s like chemo for those of us with SO cancer. Slow, steady treatment intended on breaking down whatever resistance we women have to turtlenecked-sport jacketed-no-socks-with-deck-shoes-wearing 50 year olds with a comb over or news anchor hair.

So far for me, the cancer’s winning. I can’t relinquish my hold on finding an equal. A ying for my yang (and do I ever need a yang about now), a Fred to my inner Ethel, a Brad to my Angelina.

I saw an article in the last week on the internet that was actually titled:

How to date during the World Series

I was dumbfounded! Men will actually give up chasing tail for baseball? Give it up and make us chase them? AYFKM?

That is a sad, sad, sad state of affairs.

One of the men the other night begged off right after the actual ‘speedy’ part was over with, with a “I’m gonna head home and catch the rest of the play-off game.” I Guess when Tawny Kitaen didn't show up for coffee, he decided to bag it. I found myself actually giving him kudos for showing up to the event in the first place. Pathetic.

This time the venue was a coffee shop downtown. I expected free coffee for $30.00, any coffee of my choosing for that matter, but we didn’t get it. We got a dollar off our first coffee order. That, and what looked like Costco mini-pastries. I think I’ll stick to booze events from here out.

I have a date tomorrow or Wednesday night, but I’m expecting that to probably implode before it can actually get here. This is someone I met on Snatch last week. He seems normal, so how can we possibly get to a first date? Actually, he seems better than normal - a totally unpretentious, guys' guy. I know I can completely be myself around this guy. We talked for almost 2 hours but unfortunately, if this bad luck continues to hang in there, I don't even have to think about it, nothing will come of this either. (come on ladybug luck!) It will die on the vine before it can even have a chance.

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